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Get or Upgrade Your Amateur License

The Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society is scheduled to have exam sessions on the following dates:

Thursday, August 22, 2024 @ 7PM Maple United Methodist
Thursday, October 24, 2024 @ 7PM Maple United Methodist
Thursday, December 26, 2024 @ 7PM Maple United Methodist

There will be additional testing opportunities at the Ham-In-A-Day events sponsored by the local Skywarn club.

Please see the home page for information about Ham-in-a-Day sessions and additional opertunities to test.

Below is the updated information and contact information. Please contact via the email link or (269) 234-0020 if further information is needed.

Thank You,

Kyle Brown, W8KDB

Sponsor: Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society
Time: As noted above (Walk-ins allowed)
Contact: Kyle Brown, W8KDB
(269) 234-0020
Email VE Coordinator, click here
Questions? Comments?
Location: Maple United Methodist Church, 342 Capital Ave NE
Map to Maple United Methodist Church