Membership in the Southern Michigan Amateur Radio Society is open to all persons having an interest in amateur radio. SMARS holds monthly meetings on the third Thursday of each month. A number of activities are conducted by the club, the most popular being FIELD DAY in late June and a hamfest late in March. The hamfest is the principle source of operating funds for the club. Membership dues are $20 annually and payable on January 1. For new amateurs, upon application for membership, dues are waived for the remainder of the calendar year in which they are first licensed.
Members receive the monthly club newsletter FEEDBACK. The newsletter is delivered electronically, or upon request, by USPS.
An application for membership is available by clicking here. The form may be printed and mailed to SMARS, P.O. Box 934, Battle Creek, MI 49016; brought to a club meeting or submitted electronically.